søndag 12. april 2009

Just back in Leon from big trip to everywhere in a week. Might be to tired to start a blog...


Well, we finally got back to Leon, Nicaragua, from Costa Rica and almost everywhere you can go on the way down to the rich coast! Anywhere with a beach that is! Ive just sent in my homework (finally, I had until midnight) that I had all easter on doing and did now, havent unpacked jet, is just sitting in a corner off my room checking out cartoons on the internet. I cant remember having been this tired for ages, but then I just got back from a LONG trip that we should have used two weeks on but only had one, , and my poor body has gotten to used to sitting on a school-bench. I gotta get back out in the game! (Traveling backpacker style that is!)

Had a good trip though! Got myself a coupple of new stamps in my passport from Costa Rica and Nicaragua! Another country to add on my list of countries ive been in! Wasnt too pleaced with that country though, but we did go in the middle of something like the biggest party-week in Sentral America (Semana Santa, or easter as we would say), and I bet if the group was in a greater partymood we would have loved it! Partying with the crazy-drunk lokals that used probably over a months salary on just booze!

But we werent up for it this time. Watched the moon as it was getting fuller and fuller, watched the fullmoon and then tried to pay attention as it was getting smaller again, but lost the attention... Got to se a coupple of beautiful sunsets to! And for the full-moon night we lived in a vulcano-crater here in Nicaragua that is now a lagoon, and it feels like your sitting inside a bucket, especially when your down there looking up. Feels like the earth is sucking you in almost! Was told after that its a famous place for ufo watching, and we are sure we saw a coupple!!! ;)

Also, we camped on the boarder between Costa Rica and Nicaragua a coupple of days ago! Not by purpose, not at all. What happened was that we got tired of this big party place in Costa Rica and went to check out this other beach people kept telling us was sooo beautiful. So we went and it was so and so and PACKED with Tica-tourists. So we decided to go to this beautiful beach in Nicaragua instead, thinking we had enough time to get a cross the boarder before dark.
Sure, we would have had enough time, if it wasnt for the holidays. Never forget about the holidays when your out traveling from now on! THEY CLOSED THE BOARDES 4 HOURS EARLIER... ! -so "long friday" as we call that day i norway we camped outide a restaurant on the boarder, that were so nice to us, making dinner and juices and everything, even though they didnt have anything (since I think they were just home from crazy partying theirself), and we sleept in their backyard. Was actully a really good part about the vacation. (And felt like the safest! We sat outside the tent at night, watching the police and the military drive by on their bikes!)

Then we went to San Juan del Sur, south in Nicaragua, and from the town we went out to "Madera", one of the nicer beaches here in Nicaragua. Finally, just about 50 people, half of them out in the water surfing, quiet (except the constant sound of the perfect waves), no clouds, just the three girls on the beach trying to get a little tanned before we went back "home".. At this point, we were so tired, we fell all asleep in the sun at the same time!

After some surfing ofcourse! He he... Body... surfing... that is...
Well surf next time!

Well, its getting late. I had a good trip you guys! See you at school tomorrow!
Iiiiiiik, back to school...

xox JOJO

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